Cristiano Varrone, our Project Coordinator, speaks in this interview about the main role in the initiative, the main challenges, and their contributions.


Cristiano Varrone has more than 15 years of experience in Fermentation technologies and Eco-Engineering of microbial consortia for […]

2023-09-14T14:25:57+00:00By |0 Comments

“The manufacturing processes will be optimized and adapted for large-scale industrial use” Interview with TECNARO

Georgios Mourgas, Project Manager at TECNARO speaks in this interview about the main roles in upscaling, manufacturing, and the main challenges.

How is TECNARO contributing to upscaling and manufacturing?

The art of compounding is to compose a new material from different biopolymers, […]

2023-03-22T14:06:26+00:00By |0 Comments

What is the role of Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology within the UPLIFT project?

Lars Regestein, Head of Process Development, speaks in this interview about the main role in the projects, the main challenges, and their contributions.


2022-10-11T10:52:37+00:00By |0 Comments

“Bioplastech is looking forward to increasing the rate of plastic recycling to contribute to the circular economy” – Interview with Bioplastech

What is the main innovation synthetic microbial strains will bring?

The concept of synthetic bacteria is increasingly attractive as we can artificially create a biocatalyst that can perform multiple desired functions. At Bioplastech, we strongly believe synthetic bacteria will make […]

2022-03-31T07:36:06+00:00By |0 Comments

What is the role of Forschungszentrum Jülich within UPLIFT– Plastics? Interview with Forschungszentrum Jülich

Nick Wierckx, Professor at Forschungszentrum Jülich speaks in this interview about the main role in the projects as well as the main challenges and their contributions.

2023-07-11T11:24:45+00:00By |0 Comments

“We will develop variously recyclable eco-materials and granulates and convert them into food and non-food packaging applications“ – Interview with Bio-Mi

Filip Miketa,  Chief Executive Officer at Bio-Mi speaks in this interview about their main role in the UPLIFT project as well as how they are coordinating the scale-up and manufacturing process.


2022-01-07T11:00:33+00:00By |0 Comments

What are the main challenges for the company? – Interview with Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

Have a look at this video interview where Zsófia Kádár, Lena Decuyper, and Anoek Van Canneyt from Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant speaks in this interview about the role, expectations, and the activities they carry out within the UPLIFT […]

2022-08-22T14:14:58+00:00By |0 Comments
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