From June 1 to June 3, our colleagues Filip Miketa and Ivona Miketa from Bio-Mi Sustainable Solutions gave a warm welcome to the consortium hosting the second General Assembly of the Uplift Project in Opatija, Croatia where the partners had the opportunity to analyse and present the work carried out since the last year.

During three days the partners could present their main progress and advancements across the different work packages. On the first day, the partners discussed some of the technical aspects as well as the dissemination and communication activities such as:

  • Plastic value chain analysis.
  • Depolymerisation of plastics and cleaning.
  • Communication and Dissemination.
  • Parallel discussions about alignment between work packages and standardization.

On the second day, we kept exploring internal alignments, identifying risks, and practical issues as well as synergies and possible collaborations among the partners. The session was mainly focused on several technical topics such as:

  • Fermentation of building blocks.
  • Chemo-enzymatic polyester synthesis.
  • Sustainability assessment.
  • Scale-up and manufacturing.

On the last day, Sustainable Innovations conducted an exploitation workshop to address exploitation pathways for different results that will be developed throughout the project lifetime as well as final discussions with the UPLIFT advisory board team members.

Finally, the partners enjoyed a memorable walkthrough of the Bio-Mi facilities where the whole consortium could visit the installations, ask about the processes and meet the team of the company.



Special thanks to Filip Miketa and Ivona Miketa for such amazing hospitality. It was a great experience for all the partners to meet face-to-face and keep establishing great synergies and collaborations!